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Golf! In golf, you use the tee, to set your ball on it, then you hit the ball with your selected club.

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Q: What sport uses a tee?
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What sport is a tee involved with?


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What sport has 4 letters and is played with clubs and starts with a tee?

The sport is golf.

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Which sport would you hear the term to tee off?


Sport starts with a t 4 letter?

golf starts with a tee

In which sport will you hear the term ' to tee off'?

When a golf ball is placed on a tee on the first shot played on hole, and the player hits the ball this is referred to as Teeing off or a tee off.

What kicking tee does James O'Conner use to kick with for Australia?

he uses a super tee with a cone tapped on below it

What percent of Americans played tee ball as a kid?

There is no information on the Internet about the percentage of Americans that played tee ball as children. Tee ball is a sport based on base ball as an instruction for children.

In which sport do you use a small peg called a tee to rest the ball on?


What sport uses a pig skin?

Football is a sport that uses a pigskin.