

Is the second foul a strike?

Updated: 10/27/2022
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13y ago

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Yes only when the batter has a one strike count.

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Q: Is the second foul a strike?
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In major league baseball is a foul ball considered a strike?

Unless the foul occurs on the second strike, in which nothing is called then yes.

Can a batter who starts his at bat left hand and takes a strike can he go back and bat right handed in the same at bat?

Yes...but if he switches after the second strike and then hits a ball foul...the foul counts as a strike and he is out

Do 3 foul balls equal 3 strikes?

yes and no. a foul ball on the third strike goes uncaught then it is not a third strike. if a foul ball is caught on the third strike, including a foul tip, the batter is out.

Can a softball player get a strike if the ball is hit into false territory?

A foul can count as a strike if there is not two strikes. I f your fist pitch is a foul, that's strike one. If you get a strike first and then foul, that's strike two. Or if you gettwo fouls in a row with no strikes, that's strike one and two. If you have two strikes (no matter how you got them) you cannot strike out on a foul. So if you do foul in that situation, it does not count as anything and your pitch count remains the same.

In baseball how many fouls equal a strike?

One foul ball equals one strike unless it is the third strike.

Can you strike out by four foul balls?

The batter can foul as often as necessary, unless there are 2 strikes and the batter bunts foul. That becomes a third strike and the batter is out. Also if there are two strikes and the batter foul-tips the ball into the catcher's mitt, that's also strike 3 and the batter is out.

Is a foul ball is counted as a strike?

The first two foul balls count as strikes 1 and 2. After that, it is not a strike.

A batter is in the batters box the pitcher throws and the batter hits the ball into his foot and the ball goes foul but what is the call?

its a dead ball and a strike, but not strike 3, just like a foul.

Any ball that goes outside the 1st and 3rd baselines?

If the ball had any contact whatsoever on or within the baseline, it is fair. Otherwise, it's a foul and counted as a strike, but a foul cannot strike you out.

Catcher drops a third strike and overthrows first baseball rolls past left field foul pole out of play Where should the batter who struck out be?

Second base.

A foul ball is considered a?

A foul ball in a two strike count is nothing it count as a strike for the pitcher count but the count will stay the same and no out. In the case of a one strike count or a zero strike count, the fould ball is counted as a strike and the count will be a 1 strike difference. EX: 0 strikes turn into 1 strike 1 strike turn into 2 strikes 2 strikes stay at 2 strikes

What happens when you bunt a foul ball with two strikes out on hand?

The drop third strike rule is in effect. Whenever there is a strikeout and the ball is not caught cleanly or bounces in, this rule is in effect EXCEPT when 1st base is occupied. With 2 out, the rule is always in effect.