its pretty much the same except that the ball is comming at you 10xs faster and you REALLY have to watch the ball It's pretty self-explanatory. In fast-pitch, the ball comes at you faster. In slow-pitch, the ball is coming at you slower.
Fastpitch softball involves throwing the ball faster and straighter than slow pitch. In slowpitch, the ball is generally thrown higher and slower and more like a blooper. it can be harder to hit a line drive with slow pitch rather than fastpitch because you are it at an up ward angle. In fastpitch you are to swing straight.
A fast pitch has the potential to be hit further than a slow pitch. Presuming the bat speed and squareness of contact are identical in hitting a fast pitch and slow pitch, the fast pitch will be hit further because in a nearly elastic collision more momentum will be returned from the fast pitch than the slow one resulting in a longer hit. In general a fast pitch is more difficult to hit than a slow one though which means the odds of making perfect contact are far lower.
not typically.. the softball is bigger than the Baseball and is thrown underhand, typically making it slower. -Yes, throwing underhand is not as fast as a baseball pitch. But, in softball you have less time to react to the ball than you would in baseball. So technically softball.
Much like baseball pitching, softball pitching is used to throw a ball towards the batter. In baseball they throw overhand but in softball when your pitching you wind up, load, and throw underhand. There are more pitches possible in the softball pitching than baseball. All pitched possible to be thrown by a softball pitcher are screw ball, change-up, fastball, curve ball, rise ball, drop ball, and knuckle ball.
Softball and baseball are different for several reasons. First off the ball size of a softball and baseball are different. A softball is bigger than a baseball. Also a softball is yellow and a baseball is white. Also the dimensions of the field are different. In softball the bases are 60 ft apart and the baseball bases are 90 ft apart. The fences vary and the pitchers mounds for different leagues in both, but in baseball both the pitching mound and the fences tend to be a further than in softball. The pitching motions of the two are also different. In baseball one pitches overhand and in softball they pitch underhand. The games have the same basics concept, but differ a great deal.
They are practically the same. I've played both, the only difference is the pitching, the size of the ball, the size of the bats, and if you are playing for leagues or school then boys play baseball and girls play softball.
Jogging pants will work until you have to slide or dive. They will usually rip a lot faster than normal softball pants.
Softball fields are actually much smaller than baseball fields. This makes softball a faster paced game. It also makes it so that you have to have fast reflexes to play successfully in the infield.
A softball!
softballl is mainley for girls or older ppl and they throw faster and they have a bigger ball. Baseball is mainly for guys, they throw faster and have a smaller ball than softball
Because, you get to play with other people and interact with them!!!!!! You also get to play independent!!!!SO GET YOUR BUTT UP GO PLAY!!!!!!!!!
Baseball is not called softball. The game of softball is called softball because the ball used is softer than a baseball.
WELL IF YOU WATCH SPORT SCIENCE THAN IT TELLS YOU THAT SOFTBALL IS HARDER THAN BASEBALL. JENNIE FINCH BROKE BULLET PROOF GLASS BUT THE BASEBALL JUST BOUNCED OFF THE GLASS. The softball is not harder than a baseball it may be bigger but the softball is not that hard! i play softball and i know that a softball is not harder than a baseball because i got hit with a softball and it didn't hurt as much as the baseball.....and the people who were pitching pitched the exact same speed! so there u have it a baseball IS HARDER than a softball!!!! Yes it is a fact that baseballs are harder than softballs because they are wound tighter. It may be a smaller ball but it is solid. softballs are rubber with string wrapped around it so they fly almost 200 ft less than a baseball will.
completely! a softball is less hard than a baseball but a baseball bat will not harm the softball in any way
The pitching distance is 40 feet from home plate to the back of the pitching rubber. For 18U Gold and collegiate softball the pitchers mound is 43 feet away. This is because pitchers throwing at these levels throw much faster than those at the lower levels, making it a lot harder for batters to identify pitches.