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Jogging pants will work until you have to slide or dive. They will usually rip a lot faster than normal softball pants.

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Q: Is there a substitute for softball or baseball pants?
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Is the dress for baseball and softball the same?

No its not. In baseball you wear longs tight pants and in softball you wear shorts.

What is the difference between a softball and baseball uniforms?

baseball pants have two back pockets and a belt loop, softball pants have one or no back pockets, and have a string inside to tighten the waist or no string. Softball pants do NOT have a belt loop

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What is heavier a baseball or softball?

An official baseball is 5 oz. and an Official Softball is 6.8oz.

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Why the ball of baseball is hard why the game is called softball?

Baseball is not called softball. The game of softball is called softball because the ball used is softer than a baseball.

Why do girls wears shorts for softball?

Not all teams have shorts for softball, some wear the baseball pants which seem to look nicer and more professional. It doesn't actually matter, it's whatever is more protective and comfortable to you.

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Why did they name softball softball?

They named it softball because the game of softball was derived from Baseball. The baseball had a hard core whereas the softball has a soft core, so they named it softball. Although the ball is not softball the core of the ball is soft.

Is it safe to hit a softball with a baseball bat?

completely! a softball is less hard than a baseball but a baseball bat will not harm the softball in any way

What are the differences between a softball and a baseball?

a softball is larger, and most of the time harder. a baseball is used in mens baseball, as to a softball is used in womens. hope i helped,