A push is called if you push another player...usually the refs call it a foul once your arm is extended.
No there isn't allowed slapping in Basketball. If you want to, you can try and take the ball away from another person while dribbiling. Just try not to hit them. Then you would get a foul.
slam dunk
Dunking the ball.
Pushing and Shooveing someone with your shoulder dureing a game
Avoid faul and violations such as: charging pushing tackling
a shot
yahh, just keep practicing and love basketball ..
In a basketball team 5 basketball players are allowed on the court, 12 players are active in one match, and the team is allowed to have 15 players.answered by lecamarcolino-here to get 100% in knowledge
Dribbling In Hockey you are pushing the ball along and in Basketball you are bouncing the ball along the court in front of you.
Dunking is not allowed.
In netball you cannot bouncethe ball whereas you can in basketball and in netball only certain players are allowed in specific thirds prior to which position they play, but in basketball the whole team is allowed anywhere.