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Q: Is jump ball used after a double foul?
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How referees in a NBA game?

There are quite a few. Like traveling, double dribble, carrying, over and back, technical foul, push, on the arm/ holding, 3 seconds in the lane, time outs, jump ball, possession, block, charge, and personal foul. Those are basically the most used ones.

Why are balls called balls when referring to balls and strikes?

A "strike" is a "fair ball" -- one that passed through the strike zone. A "foul ball" is one that passed outside of the strike zone. "Foul" is also used to refer to a ball that hits the batter. Baseball commentators got into the habit of saying "ball!" instead of "foul ball" to avoid a lengthy explanation of exactly what happened.

What is the line at the start of the lane that the bowler can not cross when rolling the boling ball?

The foul line is the term used for the line that a bowler can not cross when delivering the ball. Touching the lane with any part of the body past the line is called a foul.

What sport uses a double dot ball?

There is a "double-yellow dot" ball currently used in the sport of squash.

What is a delivery in bowling?

Delivery is the term used to describe the motion of the body and ball as it moves from the standing position holding the ball, through the steps towards the foul line and then release of the bowling ball.

What muscles are used while serving the ball in volley ball?

every freakin muscle in your body! esspecially if you jump serve

When is a jump shot used in volleyball?

Well, there are jump sets and jump serves, and they are used for very different things. Jump sets are most commonly used by the setter, or the person who sets the ball up for another player to hit. The player using the jump set will, as the name implies, set the ball while jumping in the air. This is used to achieve higher sets or to set balls that are low or particularly close to the net. Jump serves are an alternate form of serving. Instead of standing still to serve, the player will approach the ball, throw it higher than normal, then jump and serve the ball while in the air. This type of serve is usually more powerful than a normal serve, making it harder to receive.

When does a jump ball occur in basketball?

At the beginning of the game in the NBA. In all basketball games, at the start of the game. In an NBA Game, the jump ball is also used during a "held ball" situation----both teams have a player holding the ball at the same time for about three seconds.

Is the oppponent aloud to push an opponent away to get the ball in soccer?

Yes. Intent is not considered when determining whether a foul occurred or not.

How can you jump further in drawn to life?

Drawn to life is a game exclusively for Nintendo Ds. To be able to jump further, double jump or to jump much higher, a game mod or cheat is used.

What does foul to give in the NBA mean?

it means a team may commit a foul on the other team without having them shoot free throws, rather they have to in bound the ball and try to shoot. used in last minutes of a game.

Was there ever a jump ball after each score?

In the early days of basketball teams used a jump ball to determine possession after each scored basket. This rule was changed in the 1930s to the current method of the defending team taking possession and throwing the ball in bounds after a score.