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I don't believe you have to be behind the line of scrimmage. This play is a holdover from Rugby where a player can attempt a drop goal at any time during play. A player, often during a full sprint, will drop the ball in front of him and as it touches the ground will kick it through the uprights for three points. Doug Flutie used this technique to score the extra point in the last play of his career. Jim McMahon, the noted Chicago Bears quarterback, used to challenge kickers to drop goal contests. Rumor has it that they soon learned that that was a good way to lose money. * As long as you're behind the line of scrimmage and the ball hits the ground before you kick it. New Answer: No the ball must be kicked from the groung Not in American football, no. All kicks must be taken from behind the line of scrimmage.

Drop kicks are still perfectly legal. They're just not attempted very often anymore, mostly because the shape of the football changed to accommodate forward passes. It used to be rounder like a rugby ball and give a more reliable bounce when it hit the ground.

Canadian football still allows a team to kick and recover from beyond the line of scrimmage. Any player from the kicking team can recover the ball, as long as he was level with or behind the kicker at the time of the kick. I suppose this rule would allow for a dropkick to be taken from anywhere on the field, but it's usually used at the end of tie games to punt deep and force the other team to give up a 1-point rouge.

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NO! A defender that intercepts a ball can not attempt a drop goal. This is not legel since the ball must be 'behind the line of scrimmage'. This implies that only the offense could do it... Sort of. Never really thought about it. The drop kick is simply a field goal. A field goal is a kick through the uprights taken from the ground (rather then a punt, which is taken from the hand). A drop kick is simply a field goal that is only on the ground very momentarily... That's correct. In rugby, a dropkick can be attempted at any time, but in American football, kicks can only be taken from behind the line of scrimmage. If a defending player intercepts, his team has no line of scrimmage -- it wouldn't be established for the next play until he was tackled. Canadian football still allows kicks from anywhere on the field, however, so in the CFL, a defender could attempt a dropkick.

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