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If the ball is loose, such as after a fumble, a player cannot deliberately kick or bat the ball in an attempt to either gain possession or prevent the other team from recovering.

Dropkicks, however, are legal. A dropkick happens when a player drops the ball in front of himself, as if he were preparing to punt, and kicks it after it bounces off the ground. Dropkicks used to be common in football, but they faded out of popularity once the ball became more pointed at the ends, to make it more aerodynamic for forward passes. The benefit of this play is that if the ball sails through the uprights from a dropkick, it counts as a score (either a field goal or an extra point, depending on the situation).

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15y ago
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14y ago

No, you CAN'T kick it

Although it is not known by all referees.

Because it is considered to be "in control" of the goalkeeper.

As specified by "The rules of the game" on FIFA website:

A goalkeeper is considered to be in control of the ball: i) while the ball is between his hands or between his hand and any surface (e.g. ground, own body) ii) while holding the ball in his outstretched open hand iii) while in the act of bouncing it on the ground or tossing it into the air

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13y ago

On any kick where the ball is put into play after a stoppage (such as a kick off, a drop ball or a direct or indirect kick), the player that kicks the ball into play may not make contact with or kick the ball a second time until the ball is contacted or kicked by any other player on the field (AKA "pitch"). Contacting the ball twice in this manner will result in a "two touch" penalty & the ball will be awarded to the other team.

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15y ago

No. It is called a free KICK for a reason.

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14y ago

no, that may be a yellow card because when the goal keeper has the ball in their hands no one can touch it.

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14y ago

Yes. You are not allowed to play dangerously. At the rec levels and some younger ages playing while on the ground, under certain circumstances, can be playing dangerously.

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Q: In soccer are you allowed to play the ball while you are on the ground?
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In football are you allowed to play the ball while on the ground?

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