Yes, a goal can be scored "from goal to goal" in a number of instances.
If a ball is in play and a goalkeeper kicks a ball from his hands (or even throws it) and it goes into the opponent's goal, it is ruled a goal.
If a goalkeeper or other player takes a goal kick to restart play, this can result in a goal if it goes into the opponent's goal. (A goal kick is a type of direct free kick.)
Any kick taken by any player while a ball is in play can score a goal if it travels the length of the field and goes in the goal.
It may be very difficult to kick a ball that is actually on the goal line and kick it down the full length of the field and into the opponent's goal, but it is possible. Further, the Laws of the Game allow a goal to be scored in the instances cited providing no foul has occurred.
Yes, so long as you are on side (behind the goal kicker) when the ball is kicked.
Goal line.
14 Half way line (2), 22m lines (4), Goal line intersection of touch in goal (4), Dead ball line intersection touch in goal (4).
Anywhere on the field, except within one yard of a goal line or touch line or within any goal area.
The laws state that; 'Kicked directly into touch' means that the ball was kicked into touch without landing on the playing area, and without touching a player or the referee. 'The 22' is the area between the goal line and the 22-metre line, including the 22-metre line but excluding the goal line. The line of touch is an imaginary line in the field of play at right angles to the touchline through the place where the ball is thrown in. The ball is in touch when it is not being carried by a player and it touches the touchline or anything or anyone on or beyond the touchline. The ball is in touch when a player is carrying it and the ball carrier (or the ball) touches the touchline or the ground beyond the touchline. The place where the ball carrier (or the ball) touched or crossed the touchline is where it went into touch. The ball is in touch if a player catches the ball and that player has a foot on the touchline or the ground beyond the touchline. If a player has one foot in the field of play and one foot in touch and holds the ball, the ball is in touch. If the ball crosses the touchline or touch-in-goal line, and is caught by a player who has both feet in the playing area, the ball is not in touch or touch-in-goal. Such a player may knock the ball into the playing area. If a player jumps and catches the ball, both feet must land in the playing area otherwise the ball is in touch or touch-in-goal. A player in touch may kick or knock the ball, but not hold it, provided it has not crossed the plane of the touchline. The plane of the touchline is the vertical space rising immediately above the touchline.
When the ball is kicked past the try line it is still in play, which means that if the attacking team dives on it it is a try, if the defensive team touch down on it, it is a 10 yard drop out to them. If the ball continues rolling on past the try line and over the dead ball line the ball goes dead and is brought back for a drop out.
it is a touchback
If the ball completely crosses the goal line, between the goal posts and under the cross bar, during active play then a goal is awarded. This is true even if the goal keeper is holding or touching the ball at the time.
in order for it to be a goal the ball is to completely pass the goal line
All of it. If any part of the ball is on or above any part of the touch line or goal line, even by a millimeter, then it is not out.
There are five ways this could go. It all depends on where the ball exited the field. If the ball exits across his goal line, below the cross bar, and between the goal posts, then it is a goal for your team and his team restarts with a kick-off. If the ball exits across his goal line, and not in the goal, then it's a corner kick for your team. If the ball exits across the touch line, then it's a throw in for your team. If the ball exits across your goal line, below the cross bar, and between the goal posts, then it is a goal for his team and your team restarts with a kick-off. If the ball exits across your goal line, and not in the goal, then it's a goal kick for your team.
Any part of the ball must cross the goal line. Once any part of the ball has "broken the plane" it is a touchdown. The "whole" ball does not need to cross the line. If the ball is touching the white line, but no part of it passes the white line it is NOT a touchdown.