learn how to slide tackle the ball before you hit the person. kick a ball against a wall and test your aiming with the soccer ball. If you call it soccer you should go play handegg instead.
a soccer ball isn't dangerous only if u don't get hit in the face
i mean soccer ball
a baseball will
The soccer ball reaches its top speed of about 75 mph 1 second after being hit.
soccer is a muscled fitness cause ur leg muscled hit the ball and push the ball as hard as it can go
it would hit the ground if there was one to hit
i have a trampoline and one of my favourite games is ball attack = there can be as many players (i plays with 3 but can with 2) , there are 1 or 2 ball on the trampoline , people jump round the trampoline if they get hit they have to close one eye , if hit again loose one leg , if hit again go on nees , if hit again go on seatdrop ,if hit again go on tummy , if hit again go on back and the last one is the fold arms and lets into body . if you get hit all them times your out , the last one left wins . hope this helps
Kick the ball into the net or hit the ball with your head into the net.
you use your forehead to hit the ball pulling yourself through the ball with your body
A soccer ball bounces as the air particles in them hit and apply pressure at the ball, when it hits a surface, the pressure from the particles apply a force on the ball. Thus, making it bounce.
A bowling ball and a soccer ball, dropped from the same height will hit the ground at exactly the same time.