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By a long way no.

You get paid for standing around whilst everyone else runs about. Plus you can shout at people if things go wrong.

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Q: Is goalie the worst position in soccer?
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What is the worst place for a goalie to kick the ball in soccer?

Into their own goal..

How are soccer and hockey the same?

They both share a same position "goalie".

What is the only position called that allows the player to use their hands in soccer?

GoalKeeper (Goalie)

What is the only position called that allows the player to use their hands?

The goalie if it's soccer

Can you touch the goalie in indoor soccer?

It all depends on how you touch them, if the goalie has possession, and if the goalie is dribbling the soccer ball.

What does G mean in soccer?

Goal or in position Goaltender (goalie)

What does the position defense in soccer do?

Defense or a defender helps the goalie put incase the goalie can not get the ball.the defense posistion in soccer is supposed to keep the other team from scoring. when the defense gets the ball, their job is to get it up to the offense

Can you touch the net in soccer?

Yes you can, Goalie or no goalie :)

Who do you think the best soccer goalie is?

i think that the best soccer goalie is iker casillas from Spain

Soccer goalie steps out of box prior to kicking it. What kind of kick do the opponents get?

It depends upon the position of the ball.

What is the least number of people who can play soccer?

It depends if you want to have a goalie or not. If you want a goalie, you will need just two people (1 goalie and one forward). If you don't want a goalie, just one person. They can serve as a defense, goalie, and a forward. To play an actual game of soccer (one person per position), you will need 4 people (1 goalie, 1 defense, 1 midfield, 1 forward).

Who is the worst goalie?

Roy Carroll