Encroachment is when a defensive player makes contact with an offensive player before the snap of the ball.
Yes. Play is stopped the moment the defender crosses into the neutral zone. Technically, this is called "encroachment." There is no "offsides" foul in high school football.
A dead ball foul is a term in which the ball has not been inbounded, the clock is stopped, thus a "dead ball," and a foul has been commited.
after the batter hits the ball and it's a fair ball it's not a dead ball. if the ball lands in foul territory, it's a foul ball.
No, a foul ball is a dead ball, so nobody advances.
dead ball.. no out.
over the back.
If the ball is in fair territory, the fact that the fielder is standing in foul territory does NOT make the ball foul. the same as if a ball is foul, the fielder standing in fair territory doesn't make the ball fair.
If a pitched ball strikes any part of the batter, including his clothes, the ball is dead. It's neither fair nor foul.
its a dead ball and a strike, but not strike 3, just like a foul.
At a foul, time out, dead ball, etc.
it is a foul.