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The main similarity is that both games are organized around each side alternatively batting and fielding. For more details see: and

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

There are several similarities; they are both bat and ball games, both games have innings. Most of the differences stem from, in cricket, the ball bounces before it reaches the batter.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

it is slightly similar but not the same. different rules and equipment are the main reasons.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

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Q: Is cricket the same as baseball?
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Perhaps.... no1 really knows

Is cricket older than baseball?

Yes, cricket is older than baseball. Cricket originated in the 16th century in England, while baseball was developed in the 18th century in the United States.

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No, cricket came before baseball and the sports are actually quite different

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metro pcs and cricket has the same company onwer so

What sports use a ball and a bat?

do you mean an actual animal bat or a bat as in bat and ball i hope its not the animal otherwise it would be animal abuse lol you could use a bat in cricket, tennis, batminton, baseball, croquet, table tennis and more

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1 bat 2 ball 3 throw 4 were weird uniforms 5 run

Is baseball more similar to rounders or cricket?

yes it is similar to basetball because the bat is the same and you walk how the people walk in basetball

What is the most popular sports team in the Asia?

cricket and soccer The Tokyo (Baseball) Giants.

Can you play baseball with a cricket bat?

You can play baseball with a cricket bat but it would be hard to swing, since cricket bats are heavier than baseball bats. If the bat isn't strong enough, there is a chance that it might break. Playing cricket with a baseball would be a lot easier, but you should stick to the bats of the sport.