yes it is similar to basetball because the bat is the same and you walk how the people walk in basetball
Cricket is more popular globally than baseball.
The earliest mention of baseball was in a 1744 British publication. However the sport became a popular pastime for kids in America in the late 1700's and early 1800's. Even though it was popular before, the first, official, fully documented game took place on June 4th, 1838. 1364, the game was called Oina, and attested to in Romania. butt face
The UK actually invented baseball it was invented in 1744 by the british but the Americans took it over to their country in 1762. It was popular in England, more popular than football is today and because the USA is bigger and just as popular the Americans claimed it as their sport.anwerd by mohamed mido
The earliest known reference to 'baseball' was in 1791. The context of the report was that the game of 'baseball' wasn't to be allowed within 80 yards of the town's (Pittsfield, Massachusetts) new meeting hall.The first documented game, however, didn't come up until 1838.Cricket is first referenced to in 1300. It was called 'creag' then. It is reported that Edward I's son, Prince Edward, played this game.So, in answer to your question:No one knows exactly when cricket 'officially' became a sport, but it can be inferred that cricket came along as long as 500 years before baseball did.
Hurling, a stick and ball sport , loosely like field hockey, is one of Ireland's two main national sports. Hurling is the fastest field game in the world. The other major Irish sports is Gaelic Football, which to someone not familiar with it, could best be described as a cross between Soccer and Rugby, and is loosely related to Australian Rules Football. Camogie is the version of hurling played by women, and is similar to Hurling, but with some basic variations in the rules. There is a women's version of Gaelic Football, which also has some variations in the rules of Gaelic Football played by men. A game similar to cricket or baseball that Ireland has is called rounders. The other popular sports in Ireland are the more well known international sports like soccer, rugby, golf, horse racing etc.
Tennis, football, rugby, basketball, netball, cricket, rounders, squash, badminton and more
Cricket is more popular globally than baseball.
yes it is Hardly anyone in Ireland plays baseball. Hurling and rounders are much more common.
In the US Civil War many men from different parts of the country played similar games. During the war they all came together and the rules became codified. When the war was over and they went home, baseball became popular all over in the next 30 years baseball became a professional sport. It started to grow more in the 20's and 30's with radio, and then again after WW2 with television.
It is believed that modern baseball evolved from the English game of "rounders" in the first half of the 19th century. Alexander Cartwright of New York formulated the basic rules of baseball in 1845, calling for the replacement of the soft ball used in rounders with a smaller hard ball. On June 3, 1953, Congress officially credited Cartwright with inventing the modern game of baseball, and he is a member of the Baseball Hall of Fame. The Game of baseball was derived from many popular games that preceded it like cricket and rounders, but baseball has many elements that are uniquely American. The Abner Doubleday legend is more of a myth, as to being the founder of baseball. But either way the game of baseball evolved into the game it is today, and was no accident. -Steven KeyMan
no way if you go to a cricket staduim its a little bit smaller then a baseball staduim
Not even close. Cricket is more like baseball than anything else.
NO. US-Style Baseball is far more popular than Cricket.
Click on the 'Rounders' link on this page to learn more about the game.
Cricket is more popular there. Maybe you confused it with baseball.
Cricket is more famous. Baseball is only played league wise whereas cricket is played between countries. England and Australia are well known countries and both have cricket as their national sport. The U.S is a huge country and there are baseball fans widespread but no big population follows it any where near Europe or Asia
yes - it is played in more countries, including India