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by far cricket. Baseball actually desended off of cricket

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Q: What was invented first cricket or baseball?
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Related questions

Who was invented the cricket first in this world?

Cricket was invented by the english, it is mainly played in the commonwealth countries.

Where is the baseball invented?

Baseball was derived from any of a number of English schoolyard games (rounders, cricket, etc.), and it is unknown when where or how baseball was invented.

When does the cricket season start in England?

April. Generally the second half, but as early as the first week depending on the year.

Is the Cricket invented in Australia?

No, the cricket was invented in England.

What month in 1845 was baseball invented?

It is hard to say when baseball was "invented." It developed from other games such as rounders and cricket. The first baseball game, however, was played on June 19, 1846 in New York. June 19 seems to be a popular date in baseball. It is also the birthday of Lou Gehrig; in 1945 "Who's on First" first appeared and on June 19, 1972 the Curt Flood case was decided.

Who invent cricket first?

Cricket was first invented by the British and they spread it through their commonwealth, in more recent year cricket has been spread to ares that were never part of the British empire, like Holland.

Who invented the modern style of Cricket?

Indian penguins invented cricket in 1526AD.

Place where the game of cricket was invented?

Cricket was invented in England in 16th century.

How cricket invented?

cricket was invented when they played a game with a stick and a ball then stumps

What sport was invented in Victoria?

Cricket was the most popular sport in the victorian era.

What was invented first football or baseball?


World's frest cricket match?

Indoor Cricket was first invented in 1970 has its own nominal international championships, including World Cups.