

Is baseball aerobic or anaerobic

Updated: 9/27/2023
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11y ago

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Baseball is an anaerobic sport without doubt. Many coaches still do not understand this concept. Baseball requires explosive speed, quickness and agility, which are all anaerobic qualities. Baseball is also anaerobic when it comes to batting. There are long periods of rest between plays. Sprints between bases are 30 yards. Most runs to catch a ball in the outfield are not over 30 yards. Training players aerobically will slow them down and reduce their performance. Excessive distance training can also lead to exhaustion and increased incidence of injuries. I have a Master's in fitness management and I am a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

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13y ago
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12y ago

Baseball is both. It is an aerobic exercise because you are moving constantly while you are running bases or in the outfield. If you are bating, you use short bursts of energy to hit the ball and run to the first base.

Hope this was helpful!!

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13y ago

yes they play it in many diffrent countres even in Alabama.(sorry if im not spelling thing's right but these are the right awnsers) .

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14y ago

No it is not.

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12y ago

Yes it is

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