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It depends on where the quarterback is standing in relation to the receiver. If the pass is forward, it is still a pass even if the receiver is behind the line of scrimmage. If the pass is backwards, it is considered a lateral and therefore a run.

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

A pass

It's called a "backward pass," but statistically, it counts as a run.

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Q: Is a pass behind the line of scrimmage a run or pass?
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Does the running back snap the ball to the quarterback?

He can do either. He can run with the ball, hand it off, or (as long as he's behind the line of scrimmage) pass it.

Can a quarter back run past the line of scrimmage and throw forward?

No... ANSWER: If the QB goes back behind the line of scrimmage, then yes, he can still throw the ball. Crossing the line of scrimmage doesn't negate the QB's right to throw a legal forward pass on that play.

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Yes you can throw a football after a fumble as long as it is fumbled behind the line of scrimmage and it is the only forward pass of the play. Each offensive play is allowed only one forward pass. A ball advanced beyond the line of scrimmage may be passed or fumbled backward behind the line and then legally thrown forward as long as the feet of the passer are behind the line when he throws the ball and it is the first forward pass during that play. .

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USFFA Rules do not allow it in the true sense of a sneak where the center touches the ball to the hands of the QB, retains it and runs with it. A player who is behind the scrimmage line may hand the ball forward to a backfield teammate who is also behind that lihe; or to a teamrnate who is also on the scrimmage line when theball was snapped, provided that teammate left the line position, faced his own end line and was at least one yarb behind the scrimmage line when player received the ball... Pe"a/ty; .5 yatds from spot of foul;also, loss of down if by TeamA before team possession changes during a scrimmage down.

When can a quarterback cross the line of scrimmage?

i have only been watching nfl for a couple of years but as my understanding goes there are no limitations on a qb crossing the line of scrimmage with the exception that should he cross the line of scrimmage before the ball is snapped his team will inccur a penalty. but as i say he may cross the line for a draw play for instance or on a trick play or just if he sees no alternative though once he is past the line of scrimmage (his entire body pads an all) he may not make a forward pass only backwards or lateral like any other player on the field

What is the difference between a run and a pass in football?

A forward pass is when a player, behind the line of scrimmage, throws the ball to a teammate such that the ball goes 'downfield' or forward even by inches. A team may attempt one forward pass per play only. Any other means to advance the football is a 'rush' or 'run' play, even if the ball changed hands, or was thrown a long distance in a sideways or backwards fashion.

Can a qurterback cross over the line of scrimmage on a run then turn back and cross back over and throw the ball downfield?

No, once the ball crosses the line of scrimmage, no passing plays can be made.

How far behind the line of scrimmage can a player go to kneel the ball?

You don't have to be behind the line off scrimmage to kneel the ball. Anytime you kneel a football you are giving up your right to advance it (Though you may not be downed yet). Therefore you can kneel it as far back as you want. If you were on your opponents 5 yard line you could snap the football as the QB and run back 90 yards (perhaps to burn more time) and kneel it then.

Is it legal for a receiver to knock down a defender on the line of scrimmage and run a route?

In most leagues, yes, this is legal provided that both are near the line of scrimmage and that the receiver is not illegally using his hands to restrain or grapple the defender.

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A covered Tight End is a Tight End with a Wide Receiver outside of him on the line of scrimmage. If you want a Tight End eligible for a pass, he must not be covered up by another player since the only eligible receivers are those with the correct number (not 50-79) who are either in the back field or the last men on the line of scrimmage. Therefore having a player outside of the Tight End on the line of scrimmage is "covering" him up. A covered Tight End is legal for run and pass as long as the covered Tight End is not going out for a pass.

What do the letters STF stand for in football stats?

STF means stuff, which means tackle for loss. STFY is stuff yardage or the yardage lost in the tackle.

What does the Line of Scrimmage mean in football?

its sort of the invisible line where the quarterback throws the ball, and once the ball is thrown the QB cant run forward. :) I think