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You don't have to be behind the line off scrimmage to kneel the ball. Anytime you kneel a football you are giving up your right to advance it (Though you may not be downed yet). Therefore you can kneel it as far back as you want. If you were on your opponents 5 yard line you could snap the football as the QB and run back 90 yards (perhaps to burn more time) and kneel it then.

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Q: How far behind the line of scrimmage can a player go to kneel the ball?
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Can you trow 2 forward passes from behind thev line of scrimage?

Yes you can throw as many passes as you want as long as you or the ball has not crossed the line of scrimmage, but once you or the ball has crossed that line, you may not forward lateral the ball to another player, the pass must be a backward lateral.

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USFFA Rules do not allow it in the true sense of a sneak where the center touches the ball to the hands of the QB, retains it and runs with it. A player who is behind the scrimmage line may hand the ball forward to a backfield teammate who is also behind that lihe; or to a teamrnate who is also on the scrimmage line when theball was snapped, provided that teammate left the line position, faced his own end line and was at least one yarb behind the scrimmage line when player received the ball... Pe"a/ty; .5 yatds from spot of foul;also, loss of down if by TeamA before team possession changes during a scrimmage down.

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No. A rush refers to a player running with the ball from behind the line of scrimmage without receiving a pass; a reception means catching a pass. A player cannot do both on the same play.

Does the running back snap the ball to the quarterback?

He can do either. He can run with the ball, hand it off, or (as long as he's behind the line of scrimmage) pass it.

What is a legal and illegal pass in flag football?

A legal pass is anypass that is thrown from behind the line of scrimmage...the imaginary line across the field where the play began...A player may pitch the ball backward at anytime while beyond the line of scrimmage. Any ball thrown forward beyond the LOS is an illegal pass.

What is a sack in American football?

A sack is when the quarterback is tacked behind the line of scrimmage before he is able to pass the ball.

What happens if the kicker punts the ball and hits one of the kicking team behind the scrimmage line?

Turnover on downs and other teams ball where it was touched.

If a football is thrown beyond the line of scrimmage what is i t?

...still a football. If it's not caught, its an incomplete pass. If its thrown and hits the ground behind the line of scrimmage, its a grounded ball, which is a penalty.

In the NFL can you lateral the ball in front of the line of scrimmage?

By definition, a lateral is a pass that is thrown sideways to or behind the passer and is legal anywhere on the field, behind the line of scrimmage or beyond the line of scrimmage.

If a quarterback throws the football behind the line of scrimmage and the receiver does not catch it is it a fumble?

That depends on the angle the ball travelled. If the receiver is behind or exactly to the side of the quarterback and the ball travels at an angle parallel to or away from the line of scrimmage, the throw is considered a lateral and would be a fumble if the receiver did not catch it. If the receiver is in front of the quarterback and the ball travels at an angle towards the line of scrimmage, the throw is considered a forward pass and would be an incomplete pass.

What are negative yards?

In football negative yards are yards lost which happens if the ball carrier is tackled behind the line of scrimmage.