this will depend on the paint you are using, good paint that fits one 12" barrel will be very accurate, but a different good paint will be not as good in the same barrel. look into the J&J ceramic though, they are inexpensive and very good barrels that work with most paint
Up to a certain extent. Generally the best accuracy and efficiency is seen between the lengths of 12-16 inches. Anything shorter will not have enough time to accelerate, anything more will use up more air. If you want to use a long barrel (18-21 inches) you MUST use a Bipod or keep the gun completely still and turn the velocity up to get to the required Feet Per Second. If you try to shoot normally with an extra long barrel, the time it spends inside the barrel will actually be affected by the natural shaking of the barrel, costing accuracy.
A paintball squeegee is a device used for clearing a broken ball out of the marker due to the bolt cutting it and throwing paint down the barrel. Basicily it is what it sounds like it is a rubber o ring at the end of a stick which is stuck down the barrel then pulled out to clear the barrel. A variation of this is the paintball swab, which is my personal favorite, it is like a long q tip. that actually soaks up the paint in the barrel.
THey are called "Sim" (simulated) rounds, and are fired out of a standard issue police sidearm with a modified barrel. It contains a paint capsule instead of a lethal projectile.
You Rent big bottles and fill your tanks from that. Fine out who deliverys to your local pub as they will use the same co2.
Yes you can get a paint ball gun in a winchester! See.
Very much so. Paintball guns come in .43 .50 and .68 caliber, none of which can be used in place of the other. .50 and .43 caliber has been shown many times to be inferior to the common .68 caliber however. The size/mass/volume/and ballistic coefficient of the .43/50 cal are not able to match the performance that the .68cal is able to produce currently. Also within the .68 caliber range there are differently manufactured paintballs averaging about .685 but usually range +/- .015. This paint bore, and its matching to the barrel bore is the most important factor in accuracy: If a ball is smaller than the insides of a barrel (barrel bore) the ball may bounce around inside the barrel as it travels. This will cause in-accuracy. However a ball that is bigger than the barrel bore may break inside the barrel from the friction. It is common belief that finding the proper fit between paint and barrel (paint to barrel match) makes for the best effect.
You should go to a craft store and purchase fabric paint. Just make sure to wash jersey inside out.
no any one 10 and older can have a paint ball gun
All paint ball guns with a regular barrel will shoot around 300 feet. there also is no specific "ak 47" paintball gun
yes in paint ball they call it marker but it really is just a paint ball gun
Assuming you only have the marker/basic gun, and are going to play at a field. You need a mask, CO2 or compressed air tank, a barrel bag,a barrel and a hopper (Holds the paintballs). Other than that all other accessories are optional.
no becausee the paint will come off
because it is non-porous.