No. Mickey Rooney's birth name is Joseph Yule, Jr. -- he adopted his screen name Mickey from one of his first roles, Mickey McGuire. He said that the Rooney came from a facetious suggestion of "Looney" by his mother.
There is a surname spelled Rooney (Mickey, Andy, Art, Dan, or Wayne).
No; Mickey Rooney's real name was Joe Yule: "Mickey Rooney" was his third stage name, and it stuck. They two are close enough in age and both being media figures that they are assumed to be related, but they have no connection.
No. Adam Rooney of Birmingham City is from Republic of Ireland whilst Wayne Rooney of Manchester United is from Merseyside.
Wayne Rooney's mother is Jeanette Rooney.
Kai Wayne Rooney
Thomas Wayne Rooney.
It is the name of Wayne Rooney's son.
Wayne Rooney you dumarses
Wayne Rooney isn't on skype
Mickey Rooney was born Joseph Yule, Jr.
Jeanette Rooney is Wayne Rooney's mother. She had three children. Wayne Rooney, her oldest son, is a top scoring player for Manchester United.
Not as far as I know. Wayne does have a younger footballing brother, John (currently at Macclesfield) and also brother Graeme who tried for BURY FC unsuccessfully