no football isn't more dangerous then Cheerleading. (im going to probably get alot of critisism from all the guys out there for saying that) but it is true. cheerleading is very dangerous * when you tumble and are upside down in mid air relying on nothing but * how hard you pushed of your legs, feet, arms or hands * how fast you cant get yourself over * if you got yourself high enough * knowing that if you can't get your self over there is a huge chance of falling straight down on your head breaking your neck * or if you twist your arm on just a backhandspring it could mean a * broken arm * fractured wrist * messed up shoulder * screwed up elbow. * you could break anything when your tumbling. and taking into consideration how high some girls go up when they tumble it would be a fall from a pretty desent hight. including all the dangers of tumbling and how injured you could really be. stunting is equally dangerous * your flyer(the one in the air) is up on one leg or two held up by nopthing more then two people and the backspot. * if they fall from just a prep(chest level) an arm or leg could easily be broken * falling from an extention(arms straight above you head) could cause a broken neck arm leg etc. * if your flyer is in an extention but doing a one legged stunt(only holding one foot) and is pulling libs, scorpions, arabesks, or whatever the could fall * and anyone who would try to ceatch them could be injured because of the way there body would be * the flyer could also gt injured * and at this stage the bases could get really hurt to. * if your doing basket tosses(the bases make there hand into a basket looking things the flyer puts there feet on top and the bases chuck em up there) the flyer could come down 5 feet away from you if you threw crooked * she could land on her side back or head depending on what she was going to do in the air when you threw her. * if the flyer comes down off sideways but not alot she could land on a base injuring herself and them there is soooooo much more but i will leave it at that, it really is a dangerous sport, more dangerous then football by far.
girls lacrosse is actually more dangerous than cheerleading
no Cheerleading is way more hard and dangerous. flying and stunting pyrimids scorpians dur
Statistics show that cheerleading is THE most dangerous sport in the US with more youth and female injuries than any other sport. Others that come close are Rugby, Ice Hockey, and Tackle Football
Totally. Cheerleading causes way More issues. Soccer causes only SOME ISSUES. However, Cheerleading, Flyers are thrown up in the air. CHEERLEADING IS WAY MORE DANGEROUS! i think that they are both very dangerous sports. no need to say one is more dangerous then the other. both have very big risks. and have seen many injuries from both cheerleading and soccer.
Cheerleading. Football results in 63.5% of all men's catastrophic injuries. Cheerleading results in 66% of women's catastrophic injuries, however doe to the fewer number of male participants, there are no statistics. In the category of Non Extreme Sports(Extreme sports being street luge, bull riding, heli skiing...) Cheerleading is currently the 3rd most dangerous sport in the world, only under Rugby and Cave Diving. Football does not make the top ten
Cheerleaders Football players all the way!!!!!!!!Football is harder because one you get trucked, and two cheerleaders are on the side line for a reason so they don't get hurt. Football players defiantly get hurt way more. I'm not talking feelings!
ABSOLUTELY!! Cheerleading is way more complicated than most people seem to think. The average male cheerleader is 10 times stronger than a football player.
It depends on him well if he the loves football and loves you if he loves you football more than he loves you just sit down and talk with him and tell him how you feel about him loving football more than you. But if he says you BINGO! you found the right one.
cheerleading is more about timing and leverage rather than physics
Cheerleading can affect your school work by you focusing on cheerleading more than schoolwork.
There is no way to determine if a sport is "harder" than another sport. So lets compare football and cheering (I'm going to use All-Star cheering here) Goal of Sport: Football: Outplay your opponent, using formations, to score the most points to win Cheerleading: Perform a 2:30 routine (composed of stunts, tumbling, jumps, and dance) without flaws to receive a higher score than your opponent. In terms of skill: Football: Football requires stamina, agility, speed Cheerleading: Cheering requires, stamina, strength, flexibility, and coordination In terms of difficulty: Not to down football, but I think its more difficult to throw a girl in the air, or do a back tuck than it is to throw a ball down a field. In terms of danger: Cheerleading is the 3rd most dangerous sport in the world. Football is the 10th Safety: Football: Padding and helmits Cheerleading: Mats, however no body protection Cheerleading has no "off season" no half- time, no time-out and no bench However, many football players lift weights and condition year round
If you ask me, the stunts are both the same. No matter what you cheer for, you have the same stunts, tumbling.