A point is a point. However, if one hits the ball straight onto the ground on the other side, it is a kill, and if one serves a ball that the other team doesn't pass or shanks, it is called an ace.
It's when a point is scored after every serve.
It's when a point is scored after every serve.
It's when a point is scored after every serve.
25 points are required in a normal game of volleyball. If the teams are tied on 24 points, deuce will be played until one team wins by a 2 point margin.
point for every volley, even if you're not serving. Best 2 out of 3 sets, first two sets to 21, third to 15, must win by 2
It's usually 25 points
The last point of a volleyball game is called the game point. Simple, huh? In the last game of a match, the game point is called the match point.
none it is stupid
A point is worth a point, in any game
200.25 for every point he scored
Rally scoring