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There are two types of glass:

Tempered glass - The sides of the rink (as well as the team benches and penalty boxes) are lined with seamless, tempered glass.

Tempering is an annealing process, involving successive heating and cooling, and makes glass harder and less brittle.

Plexiglas - The ends of the rink are lined with Plexiglas -- acrylic plastic sheets.

The Plexiglas sheets are fitted together with supports that are mounted on the outside edge of the boards, so they don't interfere with play.


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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Usually at the ends, where the puck is likely to be shot or deflected over the goal. There may be additional cover in the midsection.

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Q: In a hockey rink is there a net above the glass?
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Where are the lines painted on a hockey rink?

Starting at the goal line, which is the line on the goalies net and crease. Then there is the Blue line, which is above the top of the circles. Then there is the Red line in the middle of the rink, this is where the puck is dropped at the beginning of each period and the start of every game, and when a team scores. then there is the blue line again and then the goal line again. the hockey rink is symmetrical.

Where are the goals located on a ice rink?

The ice hockey goals are positioned at each end of the rink, in front of the net. Each goal consists of a frame and a net where players aim to shoot the puck to score points.

What Is The Diameter Of A Hockey Net?

An Ice Hockey net is 4 feet tall by 6 feet wide

How many sections are in an hockey rink?

Three. The two blue lines separate the rink into thirds. The attack or offensive zone, center ice or the neutral zone, and the defensive end. The red line marks center ice and divides the rink into two halves. Finally there are two goal lines that run the length of the ice at either end. These mark the goal line the net sits on and are used to call icing.

What size is a pee wee hockey rink?

An NHL net, like any arena net, has a 72"x 48" opening. Arizona Sports Equipment

What is the space difference behind the net on an olympic rink Vs NHL rink?

Some times the crease is bigger and there are more seats in Olympic rinks

In an ice hockey arena how does the floor go from ice one night to wood the next night for a basketball game?

The change over crew could do it in a couple hours. The changeover crew zamboni's the rink. They cover the floor with insulation. They take all the non baketballstuff out. Ex the glass walls, the back net They erect the basketball court made off 217 wood panels Put up the hoop and the oficials chairs. pull out seating onto floor since hockey is bigger than basketball the game begins In the NHL off season the court is erected on pads on the concrete floor with the same seating as on a rink

What game the puck is used?

a puck

Weight of a hockey net?


What are the colored lines in hockey called?

The longest lines on the pitch are called the sidelines;The lines adjacent to each end of these are called the backlines or baselines;The line half way from these lines is called the half way line, or more commonly the centreline;The lines between the centreline and backlines are the 23-metre liines;The quarter circle shapes and the lines connecting them are collectively known as the circle.

How wide is the average ice hockey goal?

The size for an ice hockey goal can vary slightly but there are standards that are set by the NHL. According to the NHL standards the opening of the goal should be 72 inches wide, 48 inches tall and 44 inches deep.

How is ice hockey played?

ice hockey is a very interesting sport. the sport is played on ice, obviously and is all about scoring goals. a big part is preventing goals. this job is meant for defensive players and goalies but is sometimes portrayed by forwards, as to scoring goals done by denfense.