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The most exspensive glove on the market is 400 dollars but that's with no name on it so add a 100 dollars so it can range from 200 dollars all the way up to 500 dollars. But there are ot ther gloves that go for under 200 dollars but the very good major league Baseball players are getting the the gloves over 200 dollars.

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13y ago
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15y ago

It depends on where you get it.At Wal-Mart you can probably get one for like 10-15 dollars.

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14y ago

Depending on how good the glove is, cheap gloves can start around 30-100 dollars

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13y ago

any where from like $35 or $40 bucks up to almost $200 or $300.

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9y ago

if you get the most expensive kind it might total up between $50 and $100

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Q: How much would a softball mitt cost?
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it cost me 3000 pounds for 6 months when i did it

What is the difference between a softball mitt and a baseball mitt?

Construction is basically the same - softball gloves are just larger than baseball gloves due to fact that softballs are bigger. Softball gloves tend to be 13" and bigger, and baseball gloves are less than 13". If you play both softball and baseball and want to stick with just one glove, then buy a softball glove. *********************** From The Coach That's right - Construction and leather are the same (for respective models). But Slowpitch have bigger pockets to accommodate 12" softballs are are typically designed for men's larger hands and fingers. For Girls/Women's Fastpitch Softball Gloves, good gloves have slender fingerstalls to accommodate smaller finger and palms of girls and women. And they come in 11" to 13.5" sizes. The Coach - Information, Reviews and Rankings for over 50 Fastpitch Softball Gloves that cost $75 or more and over 40 Fastpitch Softball Bats that cost $100 or more

How much does 1 softball bat cost?

Depends if you get a cheap bat ($30.00) or a stealth ($200.00)

How much is it to play softball?

The cost depends on what kind of glove, bat and other required equipment you get

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why does a foam softball seeem much lighter than a normal softball

How much is a catchers mitt cost?

High end patented Akadema catchers mitt cost in excess of $200. Youth mitts can range from $50 - $120 Akadema Praying Mantis catchers mitt's are rated the best at every level. The mitts offer a patented stress wedge that alleviates ball impact when receiving and lowers thumb injuries.

Who is physically fit a basketball player or a softball player?

a basketball player because in my opinion they definitely move around much more than a softball player. i know this because i am a basketball and softball player and i would say that you move more and quicker than you would in softball

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what the heck kinda question is that??????? They are part of an association the " Tri County Softball Association and it doesn't cost a whole lot of money, probably around $25-$50.

How much would professional SOFTBALL players get paid yearly?

The salary cap in professional softball keeps the range from $7000 to $17,000 per year.

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one softball wight like about 2kg

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