Only 3 hits are allowed in Volleyball before returning the ball back to the opponents' court.
Who has dropped the ball? The referee?! If the referee drops the ball after he interrupted the game the ball is in play when the ball touches the ground. It isn't allowed to score a goal directly from a dropped ball, two players have to touch the ball before the goal counts.
u have to hit 3 hits
Three times.
Your team can hit the volleyball three times before it goes over the net.
in rugby union there are not set amount of tackles, if you've got the ball you keep the ball. in rugby union there are not set amount of tackles, if you've got the ball you keep the ball.
(n.) A return of the ball before it touches the ground.(v. i.) To be thrown out, or discharged, at once; to be discharged in a volley, or as if in a volley; to make a volley or volleys.(v. t.) To discharge with, or as with, a volley.(n.) A burst or emission of many things at once; as, a volley of words.(n.) A sending of the ball full to the top of the wicket.(n.) A flight of missiles, as arrows, bullets, or the like; the simultaneous discharge of a number of small arms.(v. i.) To send the ball full to the top of the wicket.(v. i.) To return the ball before it touches the ground.
Rooney tocuhd ih 10 times :L:L
a soccer game is 90 minutes, there are 22 players in the field, if you say that a player touches a ball 2/3 of the time, 60/22=almost 3 minutes. This is an estimate, for a striker will have far less ball contacts as a midfielder.
you are allowed as many as you like as long as the ball hits the net and lands in the square.
In baseball there is a 4 foul streak before you are out and if you catch a foul, you are out.