According to the Rawlings Sporting Goods website (FanZone link) their are 108 stitches. The site states that for about a quarter of a century Rawlings has been the exclusive supplier of official game balls for MLB.
108 double stitches or 216 stitches
I don't know if you mean stitches or laces. There are 8 laces on a football, but there are several hundred stitches.
In 2008, Major League Baseball (MLB) consisted of 30 teams.
None, there has never been a female player in Major League baseball.
There are 108 "double" stitches on an MLB Baseball.
There are 14 teams in the American League of Major League Baseball.1414 teams
None of the players that played in the '95 Major League Baseball World Series regardless of being from the National League Champion; Atlanta Braves or the Cleveland Indians are currently playing with any of the Major League Baseball teams in 2014.
the stitches on the baseball are there so the baseball can curve drop slide and do many other kind of movements... what happens is when you throw a baseball a certain way the baseball stitches catch the air and start to move in the desired way...there are 106 stitches on a baseball