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in Basketball, you have 5 secs to pass the ball to someone or try to shoot the ball, if u fail to do this, then the ball gets handed to the opposition


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Q: How many seconds can you hold the ball without dribbling moving passing or shooting?
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If a player is running and dribbling the ball and takes 2 steps without passing or shooting the ball is that a traveling violation?

it is considered a traveling violation

At what point does a pass no longer count as an assist in a basketball game?

When the player that receives the pass dribbles the ball. If the player receiving the ball makes a jump shot without dribbling or drives the basket and makes the shot without dribbling an assist is awarded. Actully no, an assist counts if the playr that got th bal passed to scores in less then 2 seconds. Not when he dribbles. Thats not true. You get 3 seconds 2 score. And the player passing th ball gets the assist

How long can a basketball player keep the ball in his hands without dribbling?

In the NBA the player has 8 seconds to cross the back court. In college it's 10.

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Is it traveling when you dribble then get up off the floor?

If you are NOT dribbling and you are holding the ball on the floor, and you get up without dribbling that is considered traveling.

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Is it traveling when someone starts to dribble and then stops and then stops?

No, you are thinking of double dribbling. Traveling is when a player takes 3 more step in a row without dribbling.

What are the different violation in basketball?

there are the back court violation, shooting foul, blocking foul, charging foul, over the back foul, flagrant 1 and 2 fouls, out of bounds, 5 seconds back to the basket while dribbling, 3 seconds in the key offense, 3 seconds in the key without being an arms length from an offensive player when you're on defense, traveling, double dribble, clear path foul, goal tending, reaching foul, in college 35 second violation and in NBA 24 second violation, and technical foul.

In basketball What do you call the foul when a person moves without dribbling the ball?


Is traveling in a basketball violation or a foul?

The traveling violation occurs when person throws ball on the court and another player receives it and moves both feet without dribbling the ball.

What does travel mean when playing basketball?

It means you take the ball and run without dribbling it