There should be 9 on one team but you need 2 teams to play so for a game there would have to be 18 people for pitcher, catcher, 1st, 2nd and 3rd baseman, shortstop, Left right and center field. There alsa has to be people batting so 9 people on each team would be fine! So 18 players in all well i hope that helped(:
In about every conutry they play softball. The only one that i know that softball is not really played is in the Middle East.
many of them
how many people in the world are playing softball?
130 girls play softball, soccer, or both
You play softball in the spring and in the summer!
You play softball in the spring and in the summer!
No! if she was she couldn't play on the WOMEN'S softball team! No! if she was she couldn't play on the WOMEN'S softball team! No! if she was she couldn't play on the WOMEN'S softball team!
To play softball
You can play softball as long as you like just not a grandma. There is pro softball, so you can play softball as long as you like.
You should play softball if it is a sport that you enjoy.
Not many boys play softball but it is not illegal. im 11 and i almost pitch bbetter softball than baseball. ( i play baseball). so if i could find a league that guys play softball, i would go there definitly. the reason most girls play softball because back ago, girls were not allowed to play baseball so they created softball. it was just a sexus thing to do.
i really do not no so 1956