At least three- Angelo Bertelli, Notre Dame, from W. Springfield Joe Bellino, Naval Academy, from Winchester Doug Flutie, BC, from Natick
Nobody from Purdue has ever one a Heisman Trophy, but they have had many nominees.
No player from the Vanderbuilt Commodores has ever won a Heisman Trophy.
The top three players to receive votes are usually invited to the Heisman Trophy presentation.
0 Through the 2008 season, no University of Washington player has won the Heisman Trophy.
The Missouri Tigers have not won an NCAA basketball tournament.
1 from 1998
1 from 2007, he lost to cam newton for the 2008 heisman trophy
Through the 2008 season, no.
Tony Doresett is the only Heisman Trophy winner from the University of Pittsburgh. He won the award in 1976.