The league currently consists of 32 teams from American cities and regions, divided evenly into two conferences - the American Football Conference (AFC) and National Football Conference (NFC) - of four four-team divisions.
32 teams in the NFL.
32 teams
There are no National Football League teams in North Dakota.
32 teams in the NFL.
The American Football League (now known as the American Football Conference or AFC) is a conference in the National Football League which currently holds 16 teams.
NFL is an American football abbreviation. "NFL" stands for "National Football League". National because the league is played across the nation; Football because the game played is referred to as "football" (It is known as "football" in America. Many countries refer to it a "soccer".); League because this national game is played with multiple teams in many places at different times, etc. (unapproved definition of "league").
In the National Football League (The main football league in the United States) there are 32 teams. There are more teams if you include the smaller football leagues in the United States.
there are 32 NFL (National Football League) and if im wrong its probably because of the date.
Besides the teams that are in them none. Many people say the AFC has better teams.
0. NFL didnt exist. until the 1960's.
32 teams:
There are no more undefeated teams left in the National Football League during the 2010-2011 season