There are very few sidearm submarine pitchers in the MLB but to name a few there is Mike Myers, Cla Meredith, Chad Bradford, and Mike Koplove.
If the black banding you are talking about is the black edge around every home plate, it is still there. This is where the phrase "painting the black" for pitchers was coined.
He was one of the best pitchers in MLB history.
2, Tim Wakefield in Boston and RA Dickey in Seattle.
nolan Ryan has doen it many many many times so has j verlander and Joel zumaya
well im not sure if i got all of them but there is pat neshek Brett prinze Eddie orespa kelly wunsch
Cy young
Petco Park in San Diego.
60 feet 6 inches
There are different amount of pitchers in a 40-man roster, whether you have 25 pitchers (in both the starting rotation and the bullpen) or just have 10, in any game, you can use all of your pitchers. However, you can't use a pitcher once they are taken out of the game.