

Best Answer

Nolan Ryan has doen it many many many times so has j verlander and Joel zumaya

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Q: How many mlb pitchers have thrown over 100?
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Many of the pitchers are valued in price close to $100 each. The price will vary depending upon their condition.

If the pitchers mound is 60 ft from home plate how many seconds does it take a 75-mph pitch to reach home plate?

75 miles per hour is about 110 feet per second. So a pitch thrown at that speed will reach home plate in a little more than half a second (about .55 seconds). A pitch thrown at 90 MPH will reach the batter in about a tenth of a second less (.45 seconds).

How many squinkeis are there?

over 100

How far can a ball be thrown?

The distance a ball can be thrown depends on factors such as the strength and technique of the person throwing it, the weight and aerodynamics of the ball, and environmental conditions like wind. Professional athletes have been known to throw a ball over 100 meters.

Is there a person that old is 100?

there are many people in the world that are over 100

Why are T206 baseball cards so valuable?

first of all they are over 100 years old and these were in packs cigarettes and were usually thrown away torn folded and so on.

How many soda cans are thrown away each year?

It is estimated that over 100 billion aluminum cans are thrown away each year worldwide. These cans can take hundreds of years to decompose in landfills, making recycling them an important environmental initiative. Recycling aluminum cans also saves energy and reduces the demand for raw materials.

Who has thrown 100 mph in 2009?

Daniel bard of the Boston redsox.

How many Ethiopian elephant's are they?

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