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The ball is larger, and is thrown underarm rather than overarm.

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Q: How is soft ball different from baseball?
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What are differences between stick ball and baseball?

because there is a difference in the force

What do you call in the court of soft ball?

Baseball diamond

What are the different officials of soft ball?

officials of softball

Is baseball hard or soft?

Get hit by one and tell me. A baseball is relatively hard, but not as hard as a golf ball, but harder than a tennis ball.

Who named the softball?

They named it softball because the game of softball was derived from baseball. The baseball had a hard core whereas the softball has a soft core, so they named it softball. Although the ball is not softball the core of the ball is soft.

Why did they name softball softball?

They named it softball because the game of softball was derived from Baseball. The baseball had a hard core whereas the softball has a soft core, so they named it softball. Although the ball is not softball the core of the ball is soft.

Why do baseball becomes soft and this ceases to be bouncy after sometime?

When they get hit by the bat, the materials will become loose. After many times of this occurring, the ball will become soft.

Softball and baseball?

Soft ball= baseball for women, but is also played rarely by men. Bigger gloves, bigger baseballs, and different pitching motions are the main differences. baseball= most common seen amongst men. Often televised, and American made.

Should ball tag be banned from schools?

If a soft spongy kind of ball is used, it is a fun game. If the ball used hurts when it hits someone, get e different ball.

How do you say soft ball in spanish?

We called it soft ball in spanish too.

What sports use a ball and a bat?

do you mean an actual animal bat or a bat as in bat and ball i hope its not the animal otherwise it would be animal abuse lol you could use a bat in cricket, tennis, batminton, baseball, croquet, table tennis and more

Can a tennis ball break a baseball bat similar to how a baseball would?

In general, yes, but the mass/volume ratios and the surface finishes are different, so the motion would be somewhat more or less pronounced.