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I think the average time a player spends on the ice in one shift probably 20, maybe 30 seconds. The average time on ice for a hockey player in one game... anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes. Usually the better defensemen spend around 25-30 minutes on the ice each night, but average forwards usually spend around 20-25 minutes.

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14y ago
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15y ago

In Periods. There are 3 periods in a hockey game each 20 mins. Overtime is 5 mins.

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15y ago

Do you mean what is ice time in hockey? If so, ice time in hockey is the amount of time a player is actually on the ice, not the bench. This is used for stats and comparison.

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14y ago

60 mins, three 20 min periods. This isn't football;)

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12y ago

one hour

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What does ATOI in hockey mean?

It stand for Average Time On Ice.

How do they track hockey player's ice time?

With a stop watch.

How many time play ice hockey?

uhhh... wut