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too hard

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Q: How hard can Gerrard hit the ball?
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What is the ball hit with in a game of volleyball?

when serving the ball is hit with your hand when setting he ball you use your finger tips when bumping the ball you use your forearm and when spiking the ball you use your hand

How is a spike ball hit volleyball?

A spike ball hit is when your hand is open and you hit the ball (hard) to the other side.

How hard do you have to hit the volleyball ball for it to go down?

you hve to hit the ball with a downward motion :)

Why is it hard to hit a softball?

It is not all all hard to hit a softball. It only depends on if you are good or not or if you can hit the ball or not.

Your sister hitted the ball hard?

It should be "Your sister hit the ball hard." "Hitted" is not the correct past tense form of "hit."

Which gets more force the bat or the ball?

It depends on how hard you hit the ball.

Does the weight of a baseball bat affect how far the ball goes when it is hit?

It depends on how hard you hit the ball. :0

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Is baseball hard or soft?

Get hit by one and tell me. A baseball is relatively hard, but not as hard as a golf ball, but harder than a tennis ball.

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How many meters does the aluminum bat hit a ball?

It depends how accurately and how hard you hit the ball. If you hit the ball weakly, then it won't go far; If you hit the ball strongly, then the ball is most likely to go far unless the ball goes down and hits the ground early.

How do you hit the tether ball really hard?

The object of tetherball is to hit the ball and the attached string around a pole for a certain amount of rotations until it can no longer be hit anymore, whoever does that wins.