The object of tetherball is to hit the ball and the attached string around a pole for a certain amount of rotations until it can no longer be hit anymore, whoever does that wins.
Spin the ball round and round before you hit the ball
In Baseball, hit the ball really hard and then run like the wind!
A line drive is a ball hit really hard and fast in a straight line.
when serving the ball is hit with your hand when setting he ball you use your finger tips when bumping the ball you use your forearm and when spiking the ball you use your hand
Soccer. I know because I play both of these sports.
A spike ball hit is when your hand is open and you hit the ball (hard) to the other side.
too hard
you hve to hit the ball with a downward motion :)
you hit the ball that they bowl at you really hard so you keep getting 6es
It is not all all hard to hit a softball. It only depends on if you are good or not or if you can hit the ball or not.
really really hard
It should be "Your sister hit the ball hard." "Hitted" is not the correct past tense form of "hit."