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Q: Who was the first soccer player to curve the ball?
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Related questions

How is Geometry involved in soccer?

The curve on the ball.

In Soccer can you throw the ball into yourself?

Can a soccer player make a throw in and then play the ball? No. Another player, either a teammate or an opponent, must touch the ball first.

When a soccer ball is headed from one player to player two across the soccer field what is the projectile?

soccer ball, just did it

Who was the first player to throw a curve ball in an NCAA Baseball game?

Fred Godsmith

Does the angle you have on a soccer ball affect the curve?

maybe....just leave me alone

What was the first basketball used?

the first basketball was a soccer ball

How do you curve in soccer?

use the inside of your foot and hit the ball slightly to one side and mak sure your foot is also under the ball. It will be hard at first but will get easier after practising

What was the first soccer ball?

The first soccer ball used was the head of a captured prisoner

A soccer player kicks a ball into what?

A soccer player kicks a ball into the opposing team's goal. A goalkeeper will try to stop this from happening

What is themeaning of pass in soccer?

A Pass is undertaken when a player having possession the soccer ball (football) moves the ball to another team player in effect Passing the Ball

Why is messi the best soccer?

no messi is not best soccer player gopal neopaney is best soccer player and he is best basket ball player?

If your designing a pizza for a soccer player what should be on it?

Just have to put soccer ball on it.