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No, he cannot. The only time he can leave the 3 foot baseline is to avoid colliding with a fielder who is attempting to field the ball.

This rule is also supposed to include runners who purposely slide out of the baseline to break up a double-play, but sometimes Umpires forget how short of a distance 3 feet is.

Here is the official rule:

Rule 7.08 (1)

A runner is out when he runs more than three feet away from his base path to avoid being tagged unless his action is to avoid interference with a fielder fielding a batted ball. A runner's base path is established when the tag attempt occurs and is a straight line from the runner to the base he is attempting to reach safely.

This rule also helps to explain why it is okay for a runner rounding a base to swing more than 3 feet out of the baseline as they turn, because there is no tag attempt being made at the time they are out of the 3 foot boundary.

If, for any reason, the batter is already out of the baseline before a tag attempt is made, they are not allowed to Dodge the tag attempt by moving back to the original baseline. Where they are currently at when a tag attempt begins is where the new baseline is established, and they cannot run 3 feet out of where they currently are. They must attempt a 3 foot wide straight line from their current position to the base they are trying to reach.

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In Major League Baseball, there is no limit, this is why you see some players taking very wide turns. However, if he goes into the dugout or something like that, he could be called out.

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The runner is not out and play goes on. Rule 7.09(k) states a runner is out when: "A fair ball touches him on fair territory before touching a fielder. If a fair ball goes through, or by, an infielder, and touches a runner immediately back of him, or touches the runner after having been deflected by a fielder, the umpire shall not declare the runner out for being touched by a batted ball. In making such decision the umpire must be convinced that the ball passed through, or by, the fielder, and that no other infielder had the chance to make a play on the ball. If, in the judgment of the umpire, the runner deliberately and intentionally kicks such a batted ball on which the infielder has missed a play, then the runner shall be called out for interference" Since the ball touched the fielder first and then the runner, play goes on.

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catching a runner off a base.

How do you steal home?

A steal of home is exciting, but rarely done in modern baseball. In contrast, Ty Cobb stole home 54 times! The classic or "pure" steal is where the runner steals with no help from the batter. For example, if the runner notices the pitcher is not holding him close and/or the 3rd baseman is way off the bag, the runner can get a walking lead or a large secondary lead and then take off as the pitcher is still winding up and then try to score. The element of surprise often makes this successful. There are two squeeze bunt plays that can be called by the coach that allow the runner on 3rd to score. However, if successful, it is due to the hit of the batter and is therefore not technically a steal. a. Safety squeeze, a play called by the coach. The runner runs home after seeing the batter (who is of course also in on the play) bunt successfully anywhere EXCEPT to the pitcher. That is, if the bunt is left or right of the pitcher, the runner takes off and attempts to score. b. Suicide squeeze. Here the runner assumes the batter will indeed make contact with a bunt and assumes it will not be hit in the air and caught (opening up double play risks). When the play is called, the runner simply takes off and trusts the batter to bunt successfully. Very risky. Note that there are 28 ways or situations in which a runner on 3rd can score in baseball. These are 3 of them.

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Assuming that the runner is off of a bag then yes.

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