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Q: How far does a professional ref run in a rugby match?
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Related questions

Who is run the most meters in a rugby league match?

The Ref

What do you say at the start of a rugby match?

Once the ref askes are you ready to commence and you reply YES - chat stops and actions speak.

How do the players in a professional match know in which side and bench they need to put their stuff before the match starts?

It is designated by a ref or by the matchmakers before the match starts.

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How old do you have to be to ref a game of rugby league?

14 Years Old

Has a ref every got punched in rugby?

yes they have in Australia 1981 Parramatta vs. Rabbidohs a guy punched da ref

Can you attack the ref in Smackdown vs Raw 2009 for PS3?

The only times you can Ref a match are in the road to wrestilmania. one time is as Randy Orton, you ref a match between Ted dibeasi And cody rhodes. the other is as Edge and you ref between the Big show and Finlay.

How do you be the ref in Smackdown vs Raw 2010?

You have to do one of the superstars campaigns. You can't do a special ref match just for fun.

Why is technology is used in rugby league?

Video Ref (A Screen which displays the result) Camera Angles.

What are the 4 one-word commands given by a rugby ref to the players forming a scrum?


How do wrestlers know how long their match is?

The ref tells them at the start of the match, the matches are not scripted just the storyline is.

What do we call referee in rugby?

In rugbt a ref is someone who runs around with the players and makes sure the rules are being kept. They wear a different colour strip and have a whistle. If the ball goes out or someone does something wrong they are the ones to say so. They give out any yellow or red cards.