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it is round

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Q: How does a baseball get its shape?
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What shape is a baseball facemask?

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What is the shape of the infield?

the shape of an outfield in baseball is a half diamond.

What is the shape of a baseball infield?


Why is the shape of a baseball field in the shape of a diamond?

they didn't want the bases to be close together.

What is the shape of the baseball infield in little league?

It is the same shape as a major league infield

What is the shape of a MLB baseball infeild?

it is a diamond

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a square

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Its in the shape of a dimaond.

What three dimensional shape is a baseball?

a sphere

What did the the baseball field give to his girlfriend?

A diamond because a baseball field is a diamond shape

What is the shape of a Major League Baseball infield?


What is a baseball grenade?

A round grenade the shape of a baseball Manley was used in the Vietnam war by troops.