A round grenade the shape of a Baseball Manley was used in the Vietnam War by troops.
The grenade will be shot
Rocket Propelled Grenade
A hand grenade.
That's an unusual grenade you have there. I'll need another grenade, Sarge!
A frag grenade is a sphere shaped grenade and a pineapple grenade is narrow but some what wide, but there is no difference in explosions. I mean, one might go farther when you throw it but who knows.
A grenade can be a variety of different colors. The M67 grenade is an olive green with a yellow band at the top
The hand grenade hasn't been replaced - it's still in use worldwide, even with the most technologically advanced military forces. Rifle grenade launchers, grenade launchers, and underbarrel grenade launchers were developed not to replace the hand grenade, but as a means of filling the gap between a thrown hand grenade and a mortar.
It means the driver is a Grenade?
The song writer for Grenade is Bruno Mars.
A gut grenade is a White Castle hamburger.
A grenade
"Get down, get down, here comes a grenade!"