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Check out the 'Throwing a Screwball' link on this page to find out about the mechanics of throwing a screwball.

Since there seems there isn't a link i will explain it for you. I used to throw it a lot. But what you do is you hold it like a four-seam fastball. What you have to do after this is you must pronate your wrist. Which means you twist you hand, wrist, and forearm counter-clock wise. This will give the ball a spin that will "chop" the air to the right of it (if its a RHP, and vis-versa if its a LHP) causing it to move that direction. But beware, it is a potentially harmful pitch, especially if done wrong! Use it sparingly! If you feel pain, then stop throwing it!

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Grasp with mainly the thumb, index and middle fingers.

Your index and middle finger help determine the direction the ball will travel. Put some body motion into the throw to force more energy to the ball.

Watch some professional softball on TV.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

slowpitch: i don't know fastpitch: right handed: you drive off the mound with your right leg toward the target with the left leg out in front, you rotate your hip to the right side and move your arm in a windmill motion, and snap your wrist at your hip while turning back towards the target while staying tall. all of this should be in one motion and not choppy. fastpitch: left handed: leg and rotation of hip are opposite

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βˆ™ 11y ago

A screwball in Baseball is a pitch thrown in the opposite direction of a curveball or slider. A right-handed pitcher who throws a screwball breaks from left to right, vice versa for a left-handed pitcher.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

A slider is thrown like a curve ball just much faster.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

It is the reverse of a curve. A screwball from a right handed pitcher will move right and from a lefty it will move left.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

by the way you hold the baseball.

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Why does baseball have an over throw pitch and softball have an under throw pitch?

Because a softball is heavier then a baseball.

What is a softball made out of that makes it so easy to throw?

a softbal is not easy to throw- you probably are not throwing a real softball.

What is the meaning of underarm throw in softball?

An underarm throw in softball is basically a pitch. If you watch a fast pitch softball team, you will see that the pitcher pitches underhand.

What is the frastest softball throw?

114 mph

What is an out in softball?

It's when you strike out tag out or throw out

How do catch and throw a softball?

with a baseball glove and to throw it use your bare hand

What is a softball used for?

to play softball such as pitching catchig batting and throwig a softball goes along with the sportTo hit, throw, and pitch field

How do you play women's softball?

you catch and throw a ball

What kind of ball is easier to throw?

really a regular baseball is easier to throw than a softball

How much throws is a softball player supposed to throw a day?

A softball player is supposed to throw 400 balls a day but if your throwing with a partner than its 800 because than you and your partner each throw 400 balls.

If Nick can throw a baseball 300 feet how far can he throw a softball?

im not sure what the distance would be but i do know that it would be shorter, it is harder to throw a softball then it is to throw a baseball Disregard the fact that this person answered your question. The correct answer is the same distance as a baseball.

What is pitching in softball?

Much like baseball pitching, softball pitching is used to throw a ball towards the batter. In baseball they throw overhand but in softball when your pitching you wind up, load, and throw underhand. There are more pitches possible in the softball pitching than baseball. All pitched possible to be thrown by a softball pitcher are screw ball, change-up, fastball, curve ball, rise ball, drop ball, and knuckle ball.