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This is just a little background so you know i have good advice. I have done 2 going on 3 years of cheer. I am going on my 5th year of dance and 2 years of gymnastics plus home training.

First get into a staddle and lean to one side at a time. the do a split. And finally do a split but bend you front knee and pull your back one as close to your head as you can. A couple cheer move that help are a scale, heel stretch and aeros and bow and arows

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Q: How do you stretch a scorpion?
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Do you have to be double jointed todo a scorpion stretch?

No, being double jointed is not a requirement to do a scorpion stretch. It primarily involves flexibility in the back, shoulders, and hips. With proper warm-up and practice, most people can gradually improve their flexibility to perform the stretch effectively.

What are the names of stunts flyers in cheer do?

scorpion/heel stretch/scale/air Bess/lib

How long is a scorpions tail?

How long a scorpion's tail is depends on the type and age of the scorpion. Some very small scorpions have tails that are barely half an inch long, while larger scorpions may have tails that stretch four inches or more.

Become more flexible?

I am very felixable. How i got have my bow and arrow, scorpion and needle (or a some people call it a killer) was by stretching. If you continuously stretch you get more flexible

How do you get your needle in a few weeks?

STRETCH! I know every body who wants to become flexible says this but, this is the answer! 1. Work on grabbing lower (don't grab your toe, try to grab your shin). 2. Once you have a scorpion up, pull it closer to you. 3. Do splits a lot and once your in the right leg splits try to grab your scorpion. 4. Get a stretch band I hope this helps! I technically have mine and these are all the things I do!!

Does the sea scorpion turn into the scorpion?

No, it does not turn into the scorpion.

What is a Chactidae scorpion?

a scorpion

Is an scorpion an insect or a arachnid?

The scorpion is not an insect. but, The scorpion is an arachnid, and an arthropod.

What is blue scorpion?

A blue scorpion is a scorpion that happens to be blue. Hoped that helped!

What scorpion has no venom?

Whip Scorpion

What is a pit scorpion?

a scorpion in a pit

Is scorpion an amphibian?

No, a scorpion is an arachnid.