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you say it before you serve. If you serve it without saying the score its a fault. You always say your team score first even if the other team is winning.

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13y ago
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13y ago

you say it after you serve but you say yor scor first

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Q: How do you say the score in volleyball?
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Does the serving team in volleyball say their score first or other team?

The serving team announces their score first.

Who must say the score in volleyball?

In the absence of a referee or score keepers on the side, typically the person serving the ball would call out the score before they serve.

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about 2 points I think you can score more though . :D i heart volleyball

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Can you score on the other teams serve?

No, you can only score on your serve. If you are referring to volleyball.

What is the winng score in volleyball?

St. Luke's Wildcats

When does a team of a volleyball score?

When the ball touches the ground.

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Who is score is mentioned first in volleyball?

The team that is winning.

Game Point in Volleyball?

it is simply the ending score

How is the score calculated in the Olympic indoor volleyball?

from the computers tecnology

How many score keepers are there in a game of volleyball?

12 scource.