It depends on which marker you have and which trigger is on it. Typically the manual will tell you how to adjust it
On most if not all paintball guns you would have to pull the trigger with the safety off.
All you have to do is pull a trigger, so it is very easy, almost effortless, to shoot a paintball gun.
Where one trigger pull shoots one paintball.
When you pull down the trigger once and it shoots the maximum balls per second
Only some paintball markers require batteries. These use electricity to either trip the sear or fire the valve itself faster then a human can. It can be used simply to make a trigger pull lighter or to make a marker shoot multiple rounds per trigger pull.
It depends on the gun. if the gun is made to fire up to say 20 bps, it will only go up to that. But search 'walking the trigger' on youtube to find some instructional videos on how to pull the trigger faster.
Not all of them. Paintball guns come in: Pump- which requires a handle to be pumped before a shot can be taken Semi-automatic- one trigger pull equals one shot burst- uses electronics to make every trigger pull multiple shots. ramping- must pull the trigger so many times to enter a fully automatic, higher rate of fire mode Fully automatic- holding down the trigger will keep shooting.
The sft should come stock with semi mode on. If it is not, turn the gun on while holding the trigger. From here, pull the trigger one time and it should be in semi mode.
No, the marker will be able to shoot rapidly without an aftermarket trigger, although if you find the trigger pull stiffer than you wanted, you can exchange the spring for the trigger with a pen spring. A light trigger pull will allow you to "walk" the trigger, which basically means you pull the trigger with two fingers (one at a time), to reach full auto- like rates of fire.
Most guns are semi automatic, meaning that for each trigger pull, one shot is released. other are pump action, requiring a pump before each shot, and some are fully or have ramping automatic, which fire multiple per trigger pull.
SemiAuto- a type of firing mode in which one pull on the trigger equals one shot and will automatically reloads itself until the marker runs out of ammo.
It is a ramping mode that, as a minimum trigger pull speed is achieved, the marker rolls over into fully automatic for as long as minimum bps is kept.