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There are several ways to get a batter out.

1. They strike out swinging.

2. They strike out looking. (they don't swing, but the ball is in the strike zone)

3. They bunt a foul ball while they already have a 2 strike count.

4. They hit a fly ball that is caught by a fielder.

5. They hit a ground ball and the ball is thrown to first base before they step on it.

6. They hit a ball close to where they are running and they get tagged out.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

A rubber scraper is the best tool to scrape batter off the sides of the bowl.

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The homophone for batter is "batter," as in to hit repeatedly.

If an interference is called on the batter does the batter get an at bat?

If a batter is called out for interference, it will be recorded as a put-out by the catcher and will go against the batter's batting average.

Batter hits a pitch and the ball bounces and hits the batter is he out?

it depends on the situation. If the count is two strikes then it is an out because if the batter is insied the box then it is a fould ball and a two strike foul ball on a bunt attempt is an out. If there is one strike or zero strikes then the batter can be called out or a foul ball. If he is still in the batter's box and the ball touches him then it is a fould ball but if the batter is outside the batter's box and the ball touches him, then he is out.

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Batter is a mixture.

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Is the batter out if the pitcher accidentally hits the ball to the batter?

No when the batter gets hit by the ball it is called and walk and the batter gets to go to first base

How do you use a batter in a sentence?

She was afraid he would batter her when he got angry. She stirred the cake batter until it was smooth. The batter hit a home run.

What happens if a batter gets hit by a?

If a batter is hit by a pitch, that batter automatically advances to first base.

A baseball bat is a machine. When a batter swings and hits a ball the batter swinging is the?

The batter swinging the bat.

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Thin batter, no specific name : )