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you use a Chronograph (Chrono for short) they measure the FPS as a paintball flies away, a field will always have them and you can buy one for home use if you want

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15y ago
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14y ago

You shoot it over a chronograph. All paintball fields have them.

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14y ago

Shooting it over a chronograph is the only way to be sure. You can guess depending on what it says in the manual, like if it says +5 fps per quarter turn.

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Q: How do you check fps on paint ball marker?
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What is more accuarate a 300 fps airsoft gun shooting plastic BBs or the average paintball gun?

It depends on the grade of your paint, and how good your paintball marker is. Paintballs will almost never get ball on ball accuracy.

How do you make a paint-ball gun shoot faster paint-balls?

adjust the velocity, never shoot above 300 fps though

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there is no physical limit but for safety reasons you should NEVER set it to higher than 300fps

How do you adjust paintball marker?

You can adjust the marker by turning the velocity screw. It is in a different place for every gun. This changes the FPS.

How powerfull is a paint ball gun?

A paintball gun fires a .68 caliber .35 gram ball at 300 fps. If you where the right clothes (loose shirt, paintball vest, e.t.c.) it doesn't even hurt!

What is the distance to engauge someone in paintball?

Most guns have to be set under 300 fps (feet per second). Therefore, depending on the marker, barrel, paint, and weather conditions, around 150-175 ft away.

Will fps creator give you a virus?

I don't know. If it does you can take a photo of it and paste it in paint and send it to fps and have them look at it

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123 fps

How do you change the fps on a jt tac 5 recon marker?

To change the FPS, first locate the regulator. This should be right on the foregrip. To change the FPS put an Allen key in the regulaor ad turn right to turn it up, left to turn it down.

How do you change the fps on a jt tac-5 recon marker?

To change the FPS, first locate the regulator. This should be right on the foregrip. To change the FPS put an Allen key in the regulaor ad turn right to turn it up, left to turn it down.

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How much fps does a 50 cal have?

Depends on which .50 cal, and which cartidge. If you mean a Barrett Model 82A1 sniper rifle, in .50 BMG, standard ball ammo is ABOUT 2800 fps.