as close as you want too, although it makes it easier to drive by you
the wing attack and goal attack can. not the goal shooter...
Attaking goal third including goal circle
The GK, GD, GS and GA (Goal Keeper, Goal defense, Goal shooter and Goal attack.)
gs stands for goal shooter They are allowed in the attacking goal third and semi circle. They are the shooters
the goal shooters are only allowed in their goal third
four positions are allowed into the semi circle also known as the "D" or "goal circle". those positions are GD (goal defense) GA (goal attack) GK (goal keeper) and GS (goal shooter)
When you mean 'D', I am assuming that you mean the semi-circle in your teams goal. If you are the only positions in netball allowed in the semi-circle are Goal Shooter (GA), Goal Attack (GA), Goal Keeper (GK), and Goal Defence (GD). Keep in mind that the GS and GA are only allowed in their goal semi-circle and the GK and GD are only allowed in the opposition goal semi-circle. Hope this helped :) Vicky
The GK is the Goal Keeper and is allowed in the Goal circle and Goal third. She defends against the opposing Goal Shooter. She must mark the Goal Shooter and try to intercept passes into the Goal Circle; She must recognise the need to Mark the GS away from the Goal Post and defend the shot at goal and position for a possible rebound under the post. She must take Backline Throw-in accurately. It is good for the GK to be tall, agile and must be good at intercepting and position herself tactfully in the goal circle to upset the shot encourage long shots into the Goal.
the goal keeper would mark the goal shooter
C-Center: Allowed to run the whole court except for the goal circles. WA-Wing Attack: Middle:Center and your goals third except for the goal circle. WD-Wing Defense: No goal circle. Center half and both thirds. GD-Goal Defense: Oppenents goal circle, third and Center. Not your goal circle nor your third. GA-Goal Attack: Your goal circle, third and center. No oppenents goal circle. GS-Goal Shooter: Your goal circle and third. No oppenents goal circle, third and center. GK-Goal Keeper: Oppenents goal circle and third. No center, your third and goal circle.
a goal keeper saves the ball and the goal shooter shoots the ball