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C-Center: Allowed to run the whole court except for the goal circles. WA-Wing Attack: Middle:Center and your goals third except for the goal circle. WD-Wing Defense: No goal circle. Center half and both thirds. GD-Goal Defense: Oppenents goal circle, third and Center. Not your goal circle nor your third. GA-Goal Attack: Your goal circle, third and center. No oppenents goal circle. GS-Goal Shooter: Your goal circle and third. No oppenents goal circle, third and center. GK-Goal Keeper: Oppenents goal circle and third. No center, your third and goal circle.

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Q: The positions in a netball team and the role of each position in terms of where they are allowed to be on the court?
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What is the description of offsite in a netball game?

I think you mean offside. If you do, in netball each position has an area in which they are allowed to go in which is separated but the lines on the court. However if a position goes in an area of the court where they are not allowed, then a free pass will be awarded to the other team

How many positions are there on a netball court?

7 for each team.

How many thirds of the court is the centre allowed in netball?


Who is allowed inside the 'D' on a Netball court?

When you mean 'D', I am assuming that you mean the semi-circle in your teams goal. If you are the only positions in netball allowed in the semi-circle are Goal Shooter (GA), Goal Attack (GA), Goal Keeper (GK), and Goal Defence (GD). Keep in mind that the GS and GA are only allowed in their goal semi-circle and the GK and GD are only allowed in the opposition goal semi-circle. Hope this helped :) Vicky

In netball what is CA job?

there is no CA in netball. the positions are GK, GD, WD, C, WA, GA,GS. I am guessing you meant GA so this position you shoot for goals like the GA but can run 2/3 of the court ( youre position is mixed between a GS and a WA)

Who is allowed on the majority of the netball court where arthey not allowed to go?

center,the center is not allowed in the goal circles

In netball where is the center aloud?

In netball, the centre is allowed all over the court exceot in either goal circle.

How many players are needed on the court to play netball?

There are 7 positions on court, but you can have a minimum of 5 players on court, one of which must play Centre.

How many playing areas are there in netball?

there is the sentre circle, cenre third, 2xgoal thirds and 2x semicircles and off courts but i dont think that counts

What is the size of the playing position initials worn by players on a netball court?

its basset

What were positions in royal court?

the position of royals

How do you label a netball court?

Share the netball court into three parts and mark it. In the middle of the netball court put a circle. Make a frame around the court. Then put a D ( semi circle ) in the ends of the court near the hoops. And you're done. Hope that helps