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The Goal attack is a shooter with the goal shooter. The goal attack has to try to run out and receive the centre pass and try to get it in the shooting circle to score a goal and they have to do all this while trying to stay away from the goal defence.

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13y ago

They are, first and foremost, an attacking player (duh). They are one of only two offensive players allowed in the circle around the basket, and are relied upon for scoring goals. However, they will also 'feed' the goal shooter. Feeding is where one might pass to a player in a better position to shoot. Goal attack is a very active role, and is relied upon to bring the ball up the court also.

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15y ago

To Stay in their third of the court and shoot goals

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Q: What are the roles of the goal shooter in netball?
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the goal keeper would mark the goal shooter

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It depends what you are e.g. Goal shooter, Goal keeper.

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Goal Attack and Goal Shooter.

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Attaking goal third including goal circle

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gs - goal shooter gk - goal keeper

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the goal shooter, goal attact, goal keeper, goal diffence, center

How do you play GA in netball?

well GA is goal attack therefore you are a shooter. unlike goal shooter you can move to the centre third though